In an ongoing effort to share innovative stories showcasing the lives of the famous and infamous in its biography line of comic books and graphic novels, TidalWave announces the release Spanish-language editions.

The new editions will present some of TidalWave’s bestsellers translated into Spanish for the first time. The comic books will spotlight the life stories of prominent Hispanic Americans Sonia Sotomayer, Demi Lovato, and Selena Gomez. In addition, the biographies of Stephen King, JRR Tolkien, Christopher Reeve, Adele, Beyonce, Jennifer Lawrence, Carrie Fisher, and many more will be translated this year.

“It’s an honor to see our comic books embraced by a global audience,” said publisher and creative director Darren Davis.

Releasing their rich catalogue of comic books in Spanish is a milestone for TidalWave. “Although we’ve released a few titles in French, like our biographies of Prince and Miley Cyrus, we never dreamed the demand would be so high for our books,” Davis said. “Given the number of Spanish speakers worldwide, I believe this is an important step for TidalWave.”

The biography comic form allows TidalWave’s talented writers to delve into the history of newsworthy figures and explore the events that shaped them. Their line of biographical comic books have been featured on CNN, USA Today, NBC, ABC, CBS, Politico, Billboard, Roll Call, Vanity Fair, The Today Show, FOX News, and in People Magazine among thousands of others, engaging readers of all ages with a mix of information and entertainment.

Known for fiction titles such as “10th Muse,” “The Legend of Isis,” “Vincent Price Presents,” and partnerships with William Shatner and other celebrity writers, the independent publisher made a mark in comic book fandom. In 2008, TidalWave’s first foray into nonfiction told the backstories of Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton, delving into a corner of the sequential art and storytelling market that was largely untapped.

Educators will find TidalWave’s robust catalog of graphic and literary novels now fully accessible, providing teachable moments for their students. Libraries can order books designed to educate and entertain communities, while comic book stores can capitalize on the focus of the lives of famous – and infamous – while adding credibility to the graphic form by sharing true stories that shape our lives.

“As a reluctant reader, I found the comic book form easy to access, so I always believed comics could both entertain and teach,” said Davis.

TidalWave formed a recent partnership with Ingram to print high-quality books on demand while assisting with ebook distribution and more. Ingram works across the full publishing spectrum, providing assistance to some of the largest names in the business to local indie authors.

TidalWave offers its services as a fully realized art, design, and writing studio. Featuring over 15 years of longevity in the marketplace, their media design provides quality services for any multimedia project. Please contact us for further information.