TidalWave Comics is proud to announce the addition of several comic books to its popular “Political Power” series focused on the Democratic Party candidates vying to replace President Trump.

With the 2020 U.S. presidential election in full swing, TidalWave’s latest slate features Joe Biden, Pete Buttigieg, Bernie Sanders, Mike Bloomberg and Elizabeth Warren.

TidalWave has profiled politicians for more than 11 years using the unique storytelling properties of comic books. In 2016, the company published books featuring Republican presidential candidates, including Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, Rand Paul and, of course, Donald Trump.

“In 2016, we focused heavily on Republicans. This time, we are heavy on the Democrats,” TidalWave Comics Publisher Darren Davis said.

Davis’ balanced approach appealed to writer Michael Frizell, an administrator at Missouri State University who wrote several of the biography comics during the last election cycle. “My goal is always to tell a good story,” Frizell said.

The biography comic format allows TidalWave writers to delve into the history of newsworthy figures and explore what shaped them. Several media outlets, including CNN, FOX News, “The Today Show” and Time and People magazines, have featured the company’s line of biographical comic books.

“As a reluctant reader, I found the comic book form easy to access, so I always believed comics could both entertain and teach,” Davis said.

The comic books give readers insights into the candidates’ personal stories, plus they make great political memorabilia.

Print copies of the biography comics are available on Amazon. Digital versions are available from iTunes, Kindle, Nook, ComiXology, Kobo and wherever e-books are sold.

Political Power: Joe Biden

Written by Wey-Yuih Loh

Art by Jonathan Rector

Joe Biden was once America’s youngest member of Congress. As Barack Obama’s running mate and eventual vice president, Biden gradually carved a place for himself in American history. Like all long-serving politicians, his road to the presidency has not been easy. This biography comic traces Biden’s life in an easily accessible story that gives the reader insight into Biden’s character.

Political Power: Peter Buttigieg

Release date: April 2020

Written by Michael L. Frizell

Art by Juan José Pereyra

Cover by famed comic book artist: Dave Ryan

Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg, a veteran of the Afghanistan War, is the son of professors at Notre Dame who instilled in him a desire to learn. After graduating from Harvard and studying at Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar, Pete became the nation’s youngest mayor. His tenure at the helm of South Bend, Indiana, has met with some controversy, but Mayor Pete, the first openly gay candidate for U.S. president, has grown to be a rising star in the Democratic Party.

Political Power: Bernie Sanders

Written and art by Joe Paradise

The longest-serving independent member of Congress in American history, the often-fiery senator from Vermont enjoyed a grassroots-level groundswell of support that brought him within striking distance of the nomination for president in 2016. Bernie is back, consistently polling high with Democrats and Independents and ready to take on the establishment in 2020.

Political Power: Mike Bloomberg

Release date: May 2020

Written by Michael L. Frizell

Cover by famed comic book artist: Dave Ryan

Mike Bloomberg, the once Republican mayor of New York City, is now a Democrat and ready to take on President Trump in the 2020 election. The billionaire is self-funding his race for the nomination and has traded barbs with the president in some very public feuds. Read the story of a self-made billionaire who wants to lead the United States of America.

Female Force: Elizabeth Warren

Written by Michael L. Frizell

Art by Pablo Martinena & Vincenzo Sansone

Senator Elizabeth Warren is a favorite target of President Trump. Undaunted, Warren has carved a name for herself as a rising star in the Democratic Party and a presidential candidate who fights big banks and large corporations to support the middle class. From her modest roots in rural Oklahoma to her exalted role as a senator from Massachusetts, Warren’s story comes to life in this issue of Female Force.

The latest books featuring 2020 Democratic Party presidential candidates join TidalWave’s ever-growing library of more than 200 comic book biographies. Previous titles have profiled Donald Trump, Condoleezza Rice, George Bush, Marco Rubio and Rand Paul, among others.

