Check out all the titles we have releasing this week!. All will be in print on Amazon and digital everywhere on the 20th of this month!

Political Power: President Joe Biden

Writer: Dave Ryan & Jonathan Rector

Artist: Ken Johnson

Joseph R. Biden experienced one of the most challenging journeys in American politics. America’s youngest senator faced an emotional rollercoaster that almost derailed his career. His life, riddled with loss, led to a determination to help the working class and a 47-year career capped by his election as the 46th president of the United States.

On Amazon now:

Political Power: Madam Vice President Kamala Harris

Writer: Michael Frizell

Artist: Juan Burgos

A new special edition with bonus pages and zero ads. Kamala Devi Harris is the first woman to become hold Vice President of the United States. A lawyer, prosecutor, and former attorney general, Harris has devoted herself to bettering her constituents’ lives while focusing on social issues that help minorities and women. Her no-nonsense approach and bi-racial heritage have made her the face of the Democrat party.

On Amazon now:

Female Force: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 

Writer: Michael L. Frizell

Artist: J. Travis Smith & Cornerstone Creative Studios 

The youngest woman ever to serve in the United States Congress, few politicians have captured the attention of the electorate like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. To the left side of the political aisle, she’s a young, hungry visionary who isn’t afraid to buck the system to serve as the voice of her generation. To the right, she’s an angry, wacky upstart poisoned by a liberal education system that failed her. Her out of nowhere defeat of Joe Crowley, the powerful 10-term representative of New York’s 14th District, is considered the defining moment of the 2018 election cycle. See what she is doing today. Art by Cornerstone Creative Studios and cover by famed comic book artist Dave Ryan.

On Amazon now:

Vincent Price: Tales from the Darkness

Writer: Clay & Susan Griffith, Shawn Aldridge, CW Cooke

Artist: Luis Nunez, Silvo db, Jill  Lamarina, Ezequiel Rosingana

The Gothic horror tradition of film icon Vincent Price is revived in these twisted comic book one-shots that transplant the best of the horror genre into innovative and bizarre landscapes for a new generation of Vincent Price fans. There are four stories in this 96-page gothic graphic novel featuring the mast of horror himself!  Make sure to keep the lights on when you read it! First time in print!

On Amazon now:

Print copies of the comics are available on Amazon. Digital versions are available from iTunes, Kindle, Nook, ComiXology, Kobo and wherever e-books are sold.