Out this week! Here is your first look into the comic book issue. Issues #1 and #2 are out now!

Quatermain: : Ghosts of the Nzadi #3

Writer: Scott Davis

Artists: Marcelo Henrique Santana

This new Quatermain adventure travels into the heart of darkness and remains true to the exploratory spirit of the original HR Haggard novels. This is Chapter 3 – Kiza Moyo wa Mlima of new epic adventure serial featuring the original “super” hero-Allan Quatermain.

TidalWave Comics’ vast catalog of titles can be purchased in print on Amazon and downloaded on ComiXology, DriveThru Comics, Google Play, Overdrive, iTunes, Kindle, Biblioboard, Nook, Kobo and wherever eBooks are sold.

In print on Comic Flea Market:

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