We are excited to show you a 1st look into “Bold and the Brave” issue #16! Featuring a team-up with 10th Muse and Ares: Goddess of War. The book comes out this week! 

Bold and the Brave #16
Writer: Michael Frizell
Artist: Paulo Montes
Ares, the god of war, was banished from Olympus and now lives with her partner, Aphrodite, in modern-day New York City. After fighting the heroines of the TidalWave universe for control of Golden Fleece, Ares has accepted her role and resolves to protect the planet. Unfortunately, an ancient enemy rises and kidnaps Aphrodite and demands that Ares be tested for her past crimes by the Avatar of Justice, the 10th Muse. Can Ares curb her tendency towards violence long enough to free Aphrodite? Can the 10th Muse survive another encounter with the vengeful Ares after losing the last time? Find out here!

Comic Flea Market:

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