Here is your 1st look into our new guide! Digital EVERYWHERE for only .99 cents!
Guide to the TidalWave Universe #3
Writer: Darren G. Davis
Artists: Roger Cruz
Issue #3 of the ultimate guide for every TidalWave fan, this series features profiles of the characters from TidalWave’s decades-long publishing history. The encyclopedic entries feature incredible art from the top names in the industry while exploring the origins of your favorite characters such from Mis-Adventures of Adam West, Space Force, Orion the Hunter, 10th Muse and more! Cover by X-men artist Roger Cruz.
On Amazon:
Only in print at Comic Flea Mart!
TidalWave Comics’ vast catalog of titles are in print on Amazon and Comic Flea Market as well as can also be downloaded digitally from Kindle, iTunes, EPIC!, ComiXology, Global Comics, Google Play, Overdrive, Library Pass, Biblioboard, Nook, Kobo, and wherever eBooks are sold.

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