Twenty-three years ago, I introduced the world to a character known as the “10th Muse” at IMAGE COMICS. I’ve always maintained that for as long as I continue to publish comic books, there will always be a series dedicated to the 10th Muse. Today marks the exciting beginning of a brand-new series, and I couldn’t be happier.
If you’re in the mood for a captivating read today, make sure to get your hands on this comic. Michael Frizell has done an outstanding job with the writing, and Dawid Strauss’s art is truly remarkable. I must also give a special shoutout to Alexandre Starling for their exceptional coloring work.
This series is hitting the shelves today, so I hope you thoroughly enjoy the fresh storyline we’re presenting. We’re taking the main villain, Typhoon, out of “Wrath of the Titans,” and you can expect a thrilling mix of monsters, fun, and our beloved superhero team.
Get ready for an adventure like no other – enjoy!
10th Muse: The Odyssey #1
Writer: Michael Frizell
Artists: Dawid Strauss
Eons ago, Zeus defeated Typhon, the father of all monsters, trapping him in Tartarus under Mount Etna in Sicily. But even the Greek pantheon’s darkest pit cannot contain Typhon. Can the combined might of TidalWave’s mightiest heroes stop Typhon from destroying the Earth? Featuring the 10th Muse, Ares, the goddess of war, and Judo Girl in a battle against giant monsters and arcane magic, the series has it all!
On Amazon:
TidalWave Comics’ vast catalog of titles are in print on Amazon and Comic Flea Market as well as can also be downloaded digitally from Kindle, iTunes, EPIC!, ComiXology, Global Comics, Google Play, Overdrive, Library Pass, Biblioboard, Nook, Kobo, and wherever eBooks are sold.
Enjoy the 1st look into this new series.

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