TidalWave Comics is thrilled to unveil the latest addition to its acclaimed “Female Force” series: a comic book dedicated to the pop icon Cyndi Lauper. “Female Force: Cyndi Lauper” is set to hit shelves on February 14th, marking an exciting new chapter in the series.

“Female Force: Cyndi Lauper,” authored by Eric M. Esquivel and illustrated by Lucy Fidelis, offers a captivating 22-page narrative. Available in both digital and print formats, this comic can be accessed across various platforms including Amazon. Readers can enjoy the softcover and hardcover editions, featuring a cover designed by acclaimed Marvel Comics artist Yonami.

In the newest edition of “Female Force,” Cyndi Lauper emerges as a formidable presence. This enthralling biography comic explores her vibrant journey through various realms, where her impact as a pop sensation knows no bounds, igniting transformation and unity. Lauper stands as a champion for the LGBTQ+ community and a beacon of inspiration for women, earning accolades from a Tony award on Broadway to commanding roles on the silver screen, alongside numerous Grammy nominations and victories. Her music reverberates with themes of empowerment, cementing her legacy as an authentic icon.

Under the “Female Force” banner, TidalWave showcases a stellar lineup of distinguished figures including authors, business leaders, entertainers, journalists, politicians, and activists. This newest biography comic adds to TidalWave’s extensive collection of over 300 comic book biographies. Past titles have celebrated a diverse array of inspirational women such as Dolly Parton, Tina Turner, Gloria Steinem, Taylor Swift, Cher, Oprah Winfrey, and many others.

TidalWave’s biographical comic series has ignited a whirlwind of media buzz, garnering attention from prestigious outlets like Rolling Stone, Entertainment Weekly, and People magazine. Additionally, it has been spotlighted on major entertainment platforms such as E! Entertainment Television and Entertainment Tonight.

TidalWave Comics’ vast catalog of titles can also be downloaded digitally from Kindle, iTunes, ComiXology, Global Comics, Google Play, Overdrive, Library Pass, Biblioboard, Nook, Kobo and wherever eBooks are sold.

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