TidalWave Comics is proud to announce the addition of the filmmaker Rob Zombie to its popular “Orbit” comic book series focused on personalities who impact the world. “Orbit: Rob Zombie” is released on this week.
Written by Michael Frizell and illustrated by Victor Moura and Lucy Fidelis, this 22-page comic book is available both digitally and in print and can be found on multiple platforms such as Amazon. Special cover by Marvel comics artist Yonami.
Explore Rob’s rise from his White Zombie days to his reign as a horror maestro. Feel the intensity of his music, discover the grit behind his creative process, and experience the heartwarming love story between him and Sheri Moon Zombie. With stunning visuals and a powerful narrative, this comic gives a fresh perspective on the life and artistry of a true legend!
The biography comic book series has been featured in “Entertainment Weekly”, “Rolling Stone” magazine, “Time” magazine, “People” magazine and has featured subjects like Stephen King, Vincent Price, Guillermo Del Toro and more.
TidalWave Comics vast catalog of titles can be purchased in print on Amazon also be downloaded on ComiXology, DriveThru Comics, Google Play, Overdrive, iTunes, Kindle, Biblioboard, Nook, Kobo and wherever eBooks are sold.
Out TODAY! Don’t miss it! On Amazon: https://a.co/d/hJUI6Bl
Also, digital everywhere!

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