The “Tribute” series serves as a pop culture companion to TidalWave Entertainment’s successful “Female Force,” “Political Power,” “Orbit,” and “Fame” series. The biography comic form allows TidalWave’s talented writers to delve into the history of certain newsworthy figures and explore what shaped them. TidalWave Entertainment’s biographical comic books have been featured on CNN, Politico, Roll Call, The Today Show, FOX News, and in People Magazine among thousands of others.
The Tribute line of comic books tells the stories of the classic entertainers that have passed on,” says TidalWave Entertainment’s publisher, Darren G. Davis “It is a way for us to honor these people who have made a difference in the world.
All the books are in print and is available on your e-reader from iTunes, Kindle, Nook, ComiXology, DriveThruComics, Google Play, Overdrive, IVerse, Biblioboard, Madefire, Axis360, Blio, Entitle, EPIC!, Trajectory, SpinWhiz, Smash Words, Kobo and wherever eBooks are sold.
All the books are now available wherever you can order print books (it is also digital). Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Powells, Books-a-million and more! It is also WORLDWIDE!